Description: Project Next Generation is aimed to prepare Port Otago for operations over the next 30 years. There are three major elements to Next Generation: 1. to deepen and widen the harbour channel to Port Chalmers; 2. to dispose of dredging spoil at sea: and 3. to extend the wharves and berths at Port Chalmers. This dataset displays where dredging spoil is permitted to be disposed of at sea under the conditions attatched to the decision of commissioners appointed by Otago Regional Council and Minister of Conservation.This dataset is an extract from ORC coastal plan and digitisation of maps within the ORC conditions attached to Port Otago Limited's application for resorce consents relating to Project Next Generation. There are three inshore sites that are long term spoil disposal areas currently used by Port Otago, some may be used to dispose of rocky material as part of Project Next Generation. The single offshore location has been granted consent as part of Project Next Generation and can only be used to dispose of fine sediments.
Copyright Text: Digitised by the Department of Conservation based on Otago Regional Council (ORC) resource consent application conditions and the ORC coastal plan.