Description: This dataset displays a selection of council consents which are intended to represent the main contamination sources into the coastal marine environment.Activities included within this dataset include discharges from: sewage treatment plants, industrial plants, landfills, dredge spoil, aquaculture and urban storm water outfalls.The creation of this dataset was based on tables (2.2 - 2.4) contained within the Otago Regional Council report Environmental Status of The Near Shore Coastal Environment (2005)using updated consents information, advice from the Otago Regional Council and consents from Environment Canterbury Regional Council.The presence of a consent within this list does not indicate that each activity is responsible for an equal share of contaminants into the marine environment, or that the permitted activities are occurring at all times. Please inspect the links to additional information within the popup windows for details of activities permitted at each site. This is not a full representation of all permitted discharge sources within the area, these are available within other SeaSketch layers.
Copyright Text: Environment Canterbury and Otago Regional Council.
Combined and published by the Department of Conservation - Te Papa Atawhai.