Name: Bryozoans Wood et al. 2013
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Description: Presence-only locations of key reef-building bryozoan species in New ZealandBryozoans (sometimes referred to in other parts of the world as sea mats, moss animals or false lace corals) are creatures that form colonies somewhat resembling small corals. Each colony is made up of tiny individuals, each with a miniscule gut and a crown of tentacles that capture microscopic food particles. Colonies themselves range in size through five orders of magnitude from 0.2 mm to 2 metres in size.Bryozoans (sometimes referred to in other parts of the world as sea mats, moss animals or false lace corals) are creatures that form colonies somewhat resembling small corals. Each colony is made up of tiny individuals, each with a miniscule gut and a crown of tentacles that capture microscopic food particles. Colonies themselves range in size through five orders of magnitude from 0.2 mm to 2 metres in size.There are 27 species of habitat-forming bryozoans found in New Zealand (Wood et al., 2012), with eight key species known to contribute significantly to habitat complexity (listed below). A lot of bryozoan species can co-occur in bryozoan thickets and reefs, and many can help to form reefs. The top eight species that make a substantial contribution to bryozoan reefs are: Arachnopusia unicornis (Family: Arachnopusiidae), Cellaria immersa (Family: Cellariidae), Celleporaria agglutinans (known as the ‘Tasman Bay coral’)(Family: Lepraliellidae), Cinctipora elegans (Family: Cinctiporidae), Diaperoecia purpurascens (Family: Diaperoeciidae), Galeopsis porcellanicus (Family: Celleporidae), Hippomenella vellicata (Family: Hippopodinidae), Hornera robusta(Family: Horneridae)
Copyright Text: Data used provided by authors of:
Wood, A.C.L., Rowden, A.A., Compton, T., Gordon, D.P. and Robert, P.K. (2013) Habitat-forming bryozoans in New Zealand: their known and predicted distribution in relation to broad-scale environmental variables and fishing effort. PLoS ONE 8(9):e75160.
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