Description: The area worked by the green-lipped mussel dredge fishery and the position of the main mussel beds, inferred from dredge fishers in the 1950's by Reid (1969), as described in the following report; Paul, L. J., (2005) A History of the Firth of Thames dredge fishery for mussels: use nad abuse of a coastal resource. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 94. 27p.Data was created by Auckland Council georectifying and digitising a jpeg of the area of interest, sourced from the report byPaul (2005).
Copyright Text: Auckland Council; Paul, L. J., (2005) A History of the Firth of Thames dredge fishery for mussels: use nad abuse of a coastal resource. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 94. 27p.