Description: The number and percentage of water quality monitoring samples that exceeded Most Probable Number (MPN) values of 14 and 43 per 100 ml in Regional Council monitoring programmes carried out in the Hauraki Gulf . These values relate to the recreational shellfish gathering bacteriological guidelines published by the Minsitry of Health and Ministry for the Environment (2002).
Copyright Text: Raw data was provided by the Auckland Council and Waikato Regional Council and were summarised by Coast and Catchment Ltd.
Description: The number and percentage of beach and water quality monitoring samples that exceeded Action levels (ie. >280 Enteroccoci/ml) in beach and estuary monitoring samples collected between 2006 and 2008.
Copyright Text: Raw data was provided by the Waikato Regional Council and summarised by Coast and Catchment Ltd.
Description: The number and percentage of beach and water quality monitoring samples that exceeded Action levels (ie. >280 Enteroccoci/ml) during summer (Nov to Apr) monitoring carried out by Auckland Council between Nov 2005and Apr 2012.
Copyright Text: Raw data was provided by the Auckland Council and summarised by Coast and Catchment Ltd.
Name: Sediment Contamination (metals) Waikato Region
Display Field: Site
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: Total metalconcentrations obtainedfrom available data on coastal sediment quality in Waikato Region.Data were originally collected as part of an investigation into contaminant levels in the Southern Firth of Thames (see Kim, N. (2007)) Trace elements in sediments of the lower eastern coast of the Firth of Thames. Environment Waikato Technical Report 2007/08, Environment Waikato, Hamilton) and in sediment samples collected as part of the Waikato RegionalCouncil's pollutants in sediments monitoring. The combined information is required by the Waikato Regional Council to support an assessment of aquaculture in the Hauraki Gulf.
Copyright Text: Coast and Catchment Ltd. have taken reasonable care in the production of this data.It is provided for use by our Client. No responsibility is accepted for: its use by other parties;or, for the accuracy of information provided by third parties; or, for the use beyond the purpose described in any associated scope of work.
Name: Sediment Contamination (metals) Auckland Region
Display Field: Programme
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: Most recent sediment contaminant data (in 2012) obtained from monitoring sites in theAuckland Region. Data was consolidated from sediment contaminant monitoring programmes run by Auckland Council and the former Auckland Regional Council. The dataset includes concentrations of copper, lead, and zinc extracted using strong acid digestion from the <500 um sediment fraction.
Copyright Text: Data was sourced from the Auckland Council, and compiled by Coast and Catchment Ltd.
Description: Contours of total zinc concentrations produced from available data on coastal sediment quality in the Auckland and Waikato Regions.Waikato data were originally collected as part of an investigation into contaminant levels in the Southern Firth of Thames (see Kim, N. (2007) Trace elements in sediments of the lower eastern coast of the Firth of Thames. Environment Waikato Technical Report 2007/08, Environment Waikato, Hamilton) and in sediment samples collected as part of the Waikato RegionalCouncil's pollutants in sediments monitoring. Auckland data were collected as part of the Auckland Council's monitoring programmes (see Mills, G., Williamson, B. (2012) Marine sediment contaminants status and trends assessment 1998-2010. Technical Report, Auckland Council). The combined information is required by the Waikato Regional Council to support an assessment of aquaculture in the Hauraki Gulf.
Copyright Text: Coast and Catchment Ltd. have taken reasonable care in the production of this data.It is provided for use by our Client. No responsibility is accepted for: its use by other parties;or, for the accuracy of information provided by third parties; or, for the use beyond thepurpose described in any associated scope of work.
Description: Contours of total lead concentrations produced from available data on coastal sediment quality in the Auckland and Waikato Regions. Waikato data were originally collected as part of an investigation into contaminant levels in the Southern Firth of Thames (see Kim, N. (2007) Trace elements in sediments of the lower eastern coast of the Firth of Thames. Environment Waikato Technical Report 2007/08, Environment Waikato, Hamilton) and in sediment samples collected as part of the Waikato RegionalCouncil's pollutants in sediments monitoring. Auckland data were collected as part of the Auckland Council's monitoring programmes (see Mills, G., Williamson, B. (2012) Marine sediment contaminants status and trends assessment 1998-2010. Technical Report, Auckland Council). The combined information is required by the Waikato Regional Council to support an assessment of aquaculture in the Hauraki Gulf.
Copyright Text: Coast and Catchment Ltd. have taken reasonable care in the production of this data.It is provided for use by our Client. No responsibility is accepted for: its use by other parties;or, for the accuracy of information provided by third parties; or, for the use beyond thepurpose described in any associated scope of work.
Description: Contours of total copper concentrations produced from available data on coastal sediment quality in the Auckland and Waikato Regions.Waikato data were originally collected as part of an investigation into contaminant levels in the Southern Firth of Thames (see Kim, N. (2007) Trace elements in sediments of the lower eastern coast of the Firth of Thames. Environment Waikato Technical Report 2007/08, Environment Waikato, Hamilton) and in sediment samples collected as part of the Waikato RegionalCouncil's pollutants in sediments monitoring. Auckland data were collected as part of the Auckland Council's monitoring programmes (see Mills, G., Williamson, B. (2012) Marine sediment contaminants status and trends assessment 1998-2010. Technical Report, Auckland Council). The combined information is required by the Waikato Regional Council to support an assessment of aquaculture in the Hauraki Gulf.
Copyright Text: Coast and Catchment Ltd. have taken reasonable care in the production of this data.It is provided for use by our Client. No responsibility is accepted for: its use by other parties;or, for the accuracy of information provided by third parties; or, for the use beyond thepurpose described in any associated scope of work.