Description: Disturbance locations are extracted from Auckland Regional Council Consents Database and Waikato Regional Council RUAMS (Resource Use Authorisation Management System) Database. Locations are buffered by 100m and clipped to boundary 100m inland of the Mean High Water Spring line. Only points seaward of this boundary are included.
Copyright Text: No restrictions on access to information although provision of information may be subject to Privacy regulations. All printed maps or other outputs, which contain Authorisation features, must contain the following message: “Authorisation information sourced from Waikato Regional Council database and may be subject to Privacy regulations. COPYRIGHT RESERVED.”
Description: Disharge points extracted from Auckland Regional Council Consents Database and Waikato Regional Council RUAMS (Resource Use Authorisation Management System) Database, clipped to boundary 100m inland of the Mean High Water Spring line. Only points seaward of this boundary are included.