Health Check
- URL: https://<host>/<instance>/rest/info/healthCheck
- Version Introduced:10.1
The health check reports if the responding machine in the ArcGIS Server site is able to receive and process requests. For example, during site creation, this URL reports the site is unhealthy because it can't take requests at that time.
This endpoint is useful if you're setting up a third-party load balancer or other monitoring software that supports a health check function.
A healthy (available) site will return an HTTP 200 response code along with a message indicating "success": true (noted below). An unhealthy (unavailable) site will return messaging other than HTTP 200.

You should request an HTML response for this operation, so your load balancer can check the HTTP response code for the health check URL.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Details |
f | Description: The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
JSON Response Syntax
{"success": <true | false>}
JSON Response Example
{"success": true}