{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The purpose of this dataset is for use in the OOA consultation process via Seasketch. \n\nIt is not suitable for any other purpose.", "description": "
The Area Suitable for Future Open Ocean Aquaculture.<\/SPAN><\/P> Differences from v2 include a removal of areas that overlay with Marine Mammal Sanctuaries, a SST threshold outside of the 6-20 degrees range, and Wave Heights > 10m.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "The purpose of this dataset is for use in the OOA consultation process via Seasketch. \n\nIt is not suitable for any other purpose.",
"title": "Map11_FutureSuitableSites_v3",
"tags": [],
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 150000000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "MPI - Spatial Intelligence Water Team",
"licenseInfo": ""