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If required, similar results for other constituents.\n* the 'net' tidal variation (current or sea level) is the root-mean-square sum of the combined tidal motion.\n\n2.Grid\n\nThe grid uses a Lambert conformal projection with central meridian lon0 = 175.4; standard parallel lat0 = -36.5\nSpatial resolution is 200m. As this may not be a \"standard\" GIS projection, the WGS84 coordinates of each cell are in\nARC-GIS grid files:\n\nHauraki_mrg_lon.asc\nHauraki_mrg_lat.asc\nand the bathymetry (depth in m below Chart datum) is in\nHauraki_mrg_bth.asc\n\nand the same data in XYZ format is in\nHauraki_mrg_xyz.txt\n\n3. Bathymetry\n\nThe bathymetry used is based on the following sources:\n\na. Gerris Terrain database, specified as follows:\n% L = Domain size (metres)\nL = 409600;\n% Use a Lambert conformal conic projection centered on a specified\n% longitude and latitude. Rotate the domain by \n% degrees.\n% MapProjection { lon = 175.4 lat = -36.5 angle = 0 }\nlon0 = 175.4; lat0 = -36.5; angle = 0; \n% Refine the quadtree to 11 levels everywhere i.e. the resulting\n% mesh is regular, Cartesian with 2048x2048 grid points.\nmaxlevel = 11;\n\nThe resulting domain was reduced to cover the range \nlonrange = [174.4; 176.4];\nlatrange = [-37.5; -35.435];\nneeded to cover the Marine Park.\n\nb. For the southern Hauraki Gulf, 100m gridded bathymetry ('bathy_DHI.txt') used recently in DHI (Mark Pritchard) \nand SWAN (Nigel Goodhue) modelling was used, with a linearly-weighted transition over a 10 km scale.\nThis bathymetry was based on the original 750m Kerry black grid, but with high-resolution data added for many parts\n(e.g. estuaries).\n\nBathymetry processing from these original sources was done in Matlab, using\nO:\\BBES1202\\Working\\wave_climate\\bathy\\haur_bth2.m\n\n4. Wave climate methodology\n\nSources:\na. NZWAVE_12 - Regional wave forecasts at ~12 km resolution run operationally under EcoConnect\nb. AKLWAVE_1 - A wave model for the Auckland region at ~1km resolution. Boundary data for this\n are produced by the operational NZWAVE_12 forecasts.\n\nThe AKLWAVE_1 simulation is the preferred source, but that grid only covers longitudes [173.8333 to 175.6667]\nand latitudes [-37.3333 to -35.4444], which is not the full extent of the HGMP.\n\nFor the present work, one year (2011) of outputs from these models were used. This time range can be extended if \nnecessary in future work.\n\nThe postprocessing code interp_ww3gnc was used to interpolate achived outputs from the respective simulations to\nthe Hauraki Gulf output grid, at each time step in the simulation. For points close to shore, the interpolated \nsignificant wave height is corrected by a scaling factor dependent on fetch in the upwave direction. RMS Bed orbital\nvelocity is then estimated from the corrected significant wave height, peak wave period, and the local water depth.\nInterp_ww3gnc was run for one month at a time, outputting monthly mean values of all interpolated statistics, and\nmonthly occurrence distributions of significant wave height, wind speed and RMS bed orbital velocity.\n\nThe monthly occurrence and mean statistics were then merged to form corresponding statitics over the full study \nperiod (Jan 2011 to Dec 2011), and percentile values were derived, for both the NZWAVE_12 and AKLWAVE_1 outputs.\n\nFor economy, only gridpoints within 25 km of the coast were processed this way: for more distant points means and \npercentiles for Hsig and Wind speed computed on the NZWAVE_12 grid points (i.e. at ~12 km resolution) were used, \nand interpolated to the output grid.\n\nFinally, the means and percentiles from the AKLWAVE_1 and NZWAVE_12 sources were merged, using linear smoothing \nover a 0.5 degree transition zone.\n\nDetails: \n\n4.1. In O:\\BBES1202\\Working\\wave_climate\\Hauraki\\\nMatlab script cmp_blockfac.m was used to select output points on the Hauraki Gulf grid, and compute a file \nHauraki_NZW12_fetch.txt of fetch-dependent blocking factors for processing NZWAVE_12 outputs on interp_ww3gnc.\nMatlab script fudge_akl_blockfac2.m subsamples that list to provide a similar file Hauraki_AKL1_fetch_adj2.txt\nfor AKLWAVE_1 outputs, and also adjusts the nominal longitudes to correct an inconsistency in the AKLWAVE_1 grid.\n\n4.2. On the HPFC blade fc-1, under /home/gorman/wave_interp:\n./Hauraki/interp_all.sh calls \n./Hauraki/interp_YYYYMM.sh for each month.\n./Hauraki/interp_YYYYMM.sh $YYYYMM calls /home/gorman/build/postproc/interp_ww3gnc to process one month of NZWAVE_12\ndata, from archived files ww3g_*_utc_nzwave_12.nc\nwriting output files\nHauraki_NZW12_mean_wavestats_$YYYYMM.txt and\nHauraki_NZW12__Oc_$YYYYMM.txt for = Hsig, WindSpeed, Urms\n\non fc-1, under /home/gorman/wave_interp:\n./Hauraki_AKL/interp_all.sh calls \n./Hauraki_AKL/interp_YYYYMM.sh for each month.\n./Hauraki_AKL/interp_YYYYMM.sh $YYYYMM calls /home/gorman/build/postproc/interp_ww3gnc to process one month of AKLWAVE_1\ndata, from archived files ww3g_*_utc_aklwave_1.nc\nwriting output files\nHauraki_AKL1b_mean_wavestats_$YYYYMM.txt and\nHauraki_AKL1b__Oc_$YYYYMM.txt for = Hsig, WindSpeed, Urms\n\n4.3. In O:\\BBES1202\\Working\\wave_climate\nMatlab script all_pdfs.m merges the monthly occurrence distributions\nMatlab script cmp_pctl.m computes percentiles from those\n\n4.4. In O:\\BBES1202\\Working\\wave_climate/Hauraki\nMatlab script mrg_means.m merges NZWAVE_12 and AKLWAVE_1 mean values\nMatlab script mrg_pctl.m merges NZWAVE_12 and AKLWAVE_1 percentile values\n\n\n5. Tidal analysis methodology.\n\nTidal constituents for sea surface height and currents were interpolated from the EEZ tidal model to a lat/lon grid \nat resolution .0025 degrees in longitude by .002 degrees in latitude, approximately matching the 200m Hauraki Gulf grid.\nOutput file: tide_coeffs_hgmp.nc\n(this was done in /gorman/running/HGMP on fc-1 with tidegr2nc)\n\nThese constituents were then interpolated to the Hauraki Gulf grid, 'net' tidal constituents calculated, and \nwritten to ARC-grid format (using the Matlab script O:\\BBES1202\\Working\\wave_climate\\tide\\tideplots.m).\nThe methods were adapted from those used in the TTR phase 1 project, see:\n\\\\niwa.local\\projects\\wellington\\TTR10302\\Working\\wave_tide\\\nfor a report with some write-up.", "Subject": "Mean Tidal Amplitude (m) across the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park", "Category": "", "AntialiasingMode": "None", "TextAntialiasingMode": "Force", "Keywords": "Tidal Amplitude,Hauraki Gulf" }, "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data", "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "exportTilesAllowed": false, "datumTransformations": [ { "geoTransforms": [ { "wkid": 108001, "latestWkid": 1241, "transformForward": true, "name": "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON" } ] }, { "geoTransforms": [ { "wkid": 108001, "latestWkid": 1241, "transformForward": false, "name": "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON" } ] } ], "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "archivingInfo": {"supportsHistoricMoment": false}, "maxRecordCount": 2000, "maxImageHeight": 4096, "maxImageWidth": 4096, "supportedExtensions": "" }